Partner with Us To Realize the Vocxi Vision
Help Bring MyBreathPrint to Patients Worldwide

Vocxi Health’s MyBreathPrint® system is the fastest, most accessible, highly accurate breath diagnostic system available. By becoming a contributing partner to Vocxi Health, you’re empowering a detection and diagnosis platform as noninvasive and simple to use as one minute of breathing with broad applications for emergency medicine, detecting cancer, infectious disease and more. This disruptive technology will revolutionize how diseases, ailments and other health issues are identified and treated, dramatically improving healthcare access, patient survivability and healthcare system costs.
Vocxi Health’s Mission is to create the most approachable, accessible and accurate breath diagnostic.

The Vocxi Difference
Changing healthcare by transforming the patient journey

What if you could help save millions of lives, one loved one at a time, by contributing to early disease detection? Vocxi Health’s vision created the truly elegant, innovative MyBreathPrint system…a decade in the making.
- The MyBreathPrint Point of Care
No Lab
Data goes from the device to the cloud to the clinician. No fluids to collect or to mix.
No ionization
There is no processing of breath, no data loss and it works at normal breath humidity levels.
10- to 100-times smaller than other diagnostic systems – about the size of a deck of cards.
lower cost of care
With its small size, streamlined process, it has the potential to transform the cost of care for patients, providers and payers.
With its handheld ease and connectivity, it can be used in any clinical setting or from home.
Scalable manufacturing
Leverages microelectronic technology for efficient, expansible manufacturing.
- The MyBreathPrint System
Accelerated Development
Designed to measure a full spectrum of disease-related VOCs. No hardware changes needed to train on other ailments — train, validate, test.
Orthogonal Vs Liquid Biopsy
MyBreathPrint measures VOCs, an orthogonal dataset, and instantly translates a breath sample to data without weeks of delay.
Aligned for Early Detection
VOCs are a by-product of metabolic/physiological activity in the body and well suited for detecting even early stages of disease with high accuracy.
Connected anywhere
With its machine learning approach, MyBreathPrint enables epidemiological observations across populations: locally, nationally and globally.
Smarter Over Time
MyBreathPrint will generate big data machine-learning value creation — enabling opportunities such as virtual clinical trials.
Immediate Results
Data is captured in real time with the analysis process taking place in seconds from breathing to results. 20,000x faster than other diagnostics that can take weeks!
With one hardware design, it’s quickly scalable and translatable and, with its machine learning platform, quickly customizable for multiple conditions/uses.

No Lab
Data goes from the device to the cloud to the clinician. No fluids to collect or to mix.

No ionization
There is no processing of breath, no data loss and it works at normal breath humidity levels.

10- to 100-times smaller than other diagnostic systems – about the size of a deck of cards.

lower cost of care
With its small size, streamlined process, it has the potential to transform the cost of care for patients, providers and payers.

With its handheld ease and connectivity, it can be used in any clinical setting or from home.

Scalable manufacturing
Leverages microelectronic technology for efficient, expansible manufacturing.

Accelerated Development
Designed to measure a full spectrum of disease-related VOCs. No hardware changes needed to train on other ailments — train, validate, test.

Orthogonal Vs Liquid Biopsy
MyBreathPrint measures VOCs, an orthogonal dataset, and instantly translates a breath sample to data without weeks of delay.

Aligned for Early Detection
VOCs are a by-product of metabolic/physiological activity in the body and well suited for detecting even early stages of disease with high accuracy.

Connected anywhere
With its machine learning approach, MyBreathPrint enables epidemiological observations across populations: locally, nationally and globally.

Smarter Over Time
MyBreathPrint will generate big data machine-learning value creation — enabling opportunities such as virtual clinical trials.

Immediate Results
Data is captured in real time with the analysis process taking place in seconds from breathing to results. 20,000x faster than other diagnostics that can take weeks!

With one hardware design, it’s quickly scalable and translatable and, with its machine learning platform, quickly customizable for multiple conditions/uses.

future applications

One Platform, Many Uses
With one hardware design, MyBreathPrint is scalable and, through its machine learning platform, customizable to detect a wide variety of diseases, ailments and other health issues.
Lung Cancer and More
Each cancer has its own distinct VOC patterns and leaves distinct markers on an individual’s BreathPrint®. MyBreathPrint may be utilized with many different types of cancer in the following ways:
- Screening
- Diagnosis
- Surveillance/Monitoring
- Stage/Type Identification and Treatment Solution
Emergency Medicine
Immediate non-invasive detection could be transformative in emergency medicine. MyBreathPrint has applications for preliminary assessment of patients to determine the urgency of their need in these ways.
- Screening/Detection
- Triage Diagnosis
- Nature of Treatment Needed
Infectious Disease
- Screening
- Diagnosis
- Surveillance/Monitoring
- Stage/Type Identification and Treatment Solution

Why Partner with Vocxi Health

The Power of MyBreathPrint Team and Technology
With one hardware design, MyBreathPrint is scalable and, through its machine learning platform, customizable to detect a wide variety of diseases, ailments and other health issues.
- Its inventive and elegant hardware and machine learning platform offers multiple market applications.
- Its speed, ease-of-use and cost-effectiveness has significant performance advantages over alternative technologies.
- It simple-to-use and mobile design aligns with global trends of immediate-result and test-anywhere capability.
- Vocxi Health has built a world-class, experienced management team, investors and advisors.
- Vocxi Health has developed highly scalable processes that can meet demand at a global level.

Current Vocxi Health Partners

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News & Resources

Keep Up to Date with Vocxi Health and the latest scientific news

A Breath-through Solution

Learn how and why Vocxi Health is transforming the patient journey through early disease detection!

Learn more about why our team of scientists, medical-device and diagnostic leaders developed MyBreathPrint.

What are
Volatile Organic Compounds are gaseous molecules that can originate from within the body or externally.