About Vocxi Health
A Diagnostic Start-up Born From a Global Medical Device Leader and a World-class Research Hospital

More than ten years ago, Vocxi Health CTO Greg Sherwood was assigned to the Mayo Clinic to shadow a group of pulmonologists. While on his rounds, the physician began telling Greg about the challenges and frustrations of screening for lung cancer. Greg learned that 70 percent of patients who have an identified nodule in their lungs cannot tell if the nodule is cancerous. To find out, the patient must be screened every three months with a low-dose CT scan to monitor if the nodule grows. If growth is detected, the patient has a biopsy to determine if the nodule is indeed cancerous. The reason a biopsy isn’t done sooner is that with the lungs, biopsies can be invasive, and depending on where the nodule is located, sometimes difficult surgical procedures. About 90 percent of the time, the nodule is not cancerous. For the four percent of nodules that are cancerous, it may take months or years to see growth and discover the cancer.
Greg began his journey to a noninvasive method to screen for lung cancer. He knew that if such a method were developed, it would have the potential to save millions of lives. In his research, he discovered literature on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and how dogs could smell the VOCs of cancer in the breath. He wondered if a sensing system could be created with the sensitivity and accuracy of a dog’s nose. After his own scientific research in the lab, he saw that all the chemistries existed and were within reach.
In 2014 Greg Sherwood, working for a medical device company, met Greg Peterson, Director of Innovations Collaboration at a well-respected research university, and the building of a cross-discipline team — soil, surgical, animal science, engineering, mechanical — began. For eight years, the team developed the system and in 2018, began their human clinical studies. Vocxi Health was incorporated as its own entity in 2022, with key members from both teams coming together to bring MyBreathPrint® to market.
Our Mission Is to Create the Most Accessible, Accurate Breath Sensor to Understand Patient Health As Early As Possible.

Our Why

of lung cancers are diagnosed too late
EARLY DETECTION SAVES 10X THE LIVES // Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate of all cancers. Usually, symptoms of lung cancer don’t appear until the disease is already at an advanced stage.
million people are eligible for screening
SCREENING COMPLIANCE IS STILL LOW // 95% of 15M US smokers don’t receive an annual screen and the 85M who are/have been frequently exposed to 2nd-hand smoke are not even screening eligible.
1 new
cancer is created out of 108 identified
Most agree the risk is acceptable, but in the US, one radiation-induced cancer in every 108 lung cancers is detected after 10 years of computed tomography screening.
patient experience
CEO PING YEH IS A BLOOD CANCER SURVIVOR // He was lucky that his cancer was found early. For millions, cancer and other serious illnesses are discovered in a late stage when fewer options are available.

Meet the Team

Driven by the Vocxi Vision to Make Late-stage Diagnosis a Thing of the Past
We are a team of scientific, medical-device and diagnostic leaders who have dedicated our lives and careers to supporting patients.
Chief Technology Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Product Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Senior Programs Director
Data Scientist

our innovative journey

10-plus Years of Collaboration
The Development of MyBreathPrint brought together the best minds across disciplines to develop a nanosensor sensitive enough to detect the VOCs found in human breath, and a noninvasive early disease detection system to transform the patient journey.

strategic partners

A Breath-through Solution

Human Breath Intelligence
The breakthrough of MyBreathPrint to detect disease early, immediately and noninvasively is at the intersection of nanotechnology, chemistry and machine learning.

Learn more about why our team of scientists, medical device and diagnostic leaders developed MyBreathPrint.

What are
Volatile Organic Compounds are gaseous molecules that can originate from within the body or externally.